What is saved listings and why does it matter? Here you will learn about saved listings and why it is important to update buyers if any changes are made to them. Sarah
A decision to buy a house does not come out of the blue. Normally, several years elapse between the initial desire to buy a house and the actual purchase. The desire stage can last 1-6 months. During this time, buyers often start saving their listings and searches. If you are a future home buyer, please consult these articles for more information:
At this critical period, it is important to keep buyers’ interest warm and also tell them if their saved listings have changed.
That’s why we have implemented a new method of communicating with clients. Whenever a listing price drops down, users who saved the listing will be notified immediately with a triggered email notification. These notifications will increase listing interest and exposure.

Your Saved listings will appear in your JamesEdition account, section Saved Listings.