What featured positions do you offer? In this article you will learn about onsite and offsite featuring we offer and how you can promote your listings Sarah
JamesEdition offers extra advertising options to increase your visibility, and we can suggest prominent positions on the website that will maximize your listings’ exposure. Your listings can be highlighted on social media, on our main page, and on category pages as well. Here are some of the available options:
Home Page Hero Slider
Real Estate Page Hero Slider
New and Trending
Social Media Post
Newsletter Featuring
Featured Story in the Journal
Note! Please bear in mind that these positions are limited and subject to approval by our editorial team. Please review our media kit for more information.
Home Page Hero Slider
The Hero is a carousel of selected listings that automatically changes every 5 seconds.

If you want to add your listings to our Home Page Hero Slider, please contact our sales team, or book a meeting with us here.
Real Estate Page Hero Slider
Our Real Estate category also offers Hero Slider listings.
For more information on displaying your listings here and prices, please contact your account manager.

New and Trending
A selection of featured listings on both the Home Page and Real Estate page, New and Trending items also are subject to approval by our editorial team. Your listings can be featured on a New and Trending page while simultaneously appearing in our Rotating Galleries.
For more information and prices, please contact our sales team, or book a meeting with us here.

Social Media Post
You can publish your listings on our social media channels: Instagram (90,6K subscribers, Accounts Reached 126781, Accounts Engaged 2594, Website taps 65, Post Interactions 4575). Twitter (7,3K followers), or Facebook (33443 Page Likes, 928796 accounts Page reach).
Please contact our sales team for more information and prices.

Newsletter Featuring
You can feature your listings in a journal story (described below) or in our weekly newsletter. Newsletters attract very high-quality traffic, in terms of user behavior. We have nearly 330K subscribers and a 17,3% open rate. You can choose either the Top Position or Middle Position. We also can run a Dedicated Campaign for your listings. With a Dedicated Campaign, the entire newsletter is devoted to your listings.
For prices please contact our sales team, or book a meeting with us here.
Newsletter Top Position

Newsletter Middle Position
Dedicated campaign

Featured Story in the Journal
A Featured Story is an article that we publish on our website. Articles are evergreen content; they do not lose their relevance and provide constant coverage for a new audience. Articles receive organic promotion on JamesEdition. Depending upon the content, an article typically receives 1500-6000 views during its first month online. (Some articles have received 1000 views - even without promotion.) The average time that viewers spend on an article page exceeds 2 minutes. This indicates that article views come from the most loyal and engaged users.
Our articles are SEO-optimized. This means that they achieve the maximum organic reach on Google. Depending upon the topic, articles attract, on average, 2600 users per month (Top 5 articles may attract 2000 per month, but we cannot guarantee that.). You can view an example of a JamesEdition article here.
Sellers who wish to purchase article space also receive listing placements in our newsletter (described above). Article success completely depends upon your content, so we cannot promise specific results. To know the price of an article and how you can publish it on our website, please contact your account manager, or book a meeting with us here.
You can also check our media kit for more information.
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