Refund Policy

Refund Policy Here you can learn about JamesEdition Refund Policy Sarah

We hope you enjoy using JamesEdition. However, if you decide to request a refund of the amount you paid for our product, here is our refund policy:

For Business

As there is no minimum engagement with JamesEdition, we don't reimburse a period started and already paid. You need to inform us minimum 3 business days before the renewal if you want to cancel your subscription.

We do not refund if we are forced to cancel your subscription in case of violation of our rules:
· The company must have a physical business address (PO boxes are not accepted.). If a physical business address is not available, the company must have been registered as a business for at least 18 months and be a limited liability company (Ltd.).

· The company must conduct viewings for all of its offers.

· The company is expected only to advertise listings with the knowledge or consent of the current owner.

· The company must have a company logo and be authorized to use it.

Exceptions are possible only in some special cases. Please contact your account manager to know if the refund is available in your case.

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