How to cancel your Single Listing Promotion

Learn how to cancel the automatic renewal of your SLP

Single Listing Promotion is one of our most effective instruments to attract more attention to your listings. To access this promotion simply pick the listing and click "promote" button. It will lead you to further instructions.

Once you purchase the subscription to SLP for one of your listings - it renews automatically every time and charges payments, so you will have the listing promoted until you cancel this featuring.

Please remember that it can only be cancelled from your business dashboard and it is a full responsibility of the agent/admin that contracts this featuring.

How to see which listings are currently being promoted?

Those properties that have a small rocket symbol in the end of the line - are promoted. Beside that symbol you can see a number of days left until the end of this cycle of promotion. After this number of days the subscription to SLP for this listing will be automatically renewed unless you cancel it.

How to cancel this promotion?

Click on the rocket symbol or open the listing that is being promoted and go to "promote" section. There you will see all the information on this promotion cycle, and in front of it you can find the "Cancel Subscription" button. To make sure your SLP was cancelled we recommend you to refresh the page and double check the status of your promotion.

Please note that once you cancel the subscription to SLP featuring for this listing - it will still remain promoted until the end of the contracted period (cycle), but will no longer renew automatically and the payment will not be charged. You will be able to purchase this promotion again once the featuring expires.

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