Here you will learn how to communicate with the seller regarding the listing you are interested in
JamesEdition is an advertising platform where sellers can list their items and buyers can contact them for details.
Our dealers have a wealth of experience relating to shipping, insuring, and handling payments from anywhere in the world. They will be happy to answer any questions that you may have. We do our best to ensure that listings on JamesEdition are authentic and posted by reputable dealers. Please read this article for more information. Our goal is for you to receive superior client service.
How do I contact a seller?
Enter your Name, email address, and phone number
Click the Send Message if you send the inquiry about Real Estate or Ask Seller if you are interested in a car or another item button in the bottom right corner of the listing page.

Note! If you are already logged in user, your details will be already prefilled, and you will simply need to click the Send Message button.

3. If you are interested in car or another item, you will see the form that you need to complete. After completing the form, click the Send button to forward your inquiry to the relevant agent.

4. You also have the option to call. To do that, simply click the Show Phone Number button, and you will find the number at which you can contact the assigned agent.

You can find all the inquiries you've sent in the section Sent Inquiries of your buyer account.

There is also a possibility to contact the seller from a listing card on the search results page, user account, and category page by clicking the Contact button.

It will automatically open the form to contact the seller.

Why hasn’t the seller responded to my message?
After you send the inquiry, you will receive a confirmation that it was processed.

Some dealers have small operations and are very busy, so if you have inquired about a property, please give the agent some time to respond. Should the seller not reply within three business days, we suggest you contact them directly via their phone number, website, or by visiting their office. You can find their phone number on their office page:
Please contact us if you have not received a timely response, and we will help you out.
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